Saturday, July 25, 2009

My Mom, Twila and Cody came over last night and we cooked a real southern meal, LOL. Fatback, gravy, biscuits cantaloupe, and I fixed some fordhook Lima beans. Growing up we had this often but would most likely have pork'n beans. Mama worked 9 to 6 and so meals needed to be quick. I was so tickled when Jeremy called from Washington State and said, "Mama, they don't have Fatback in these grocery stores!" I don't remember what he said they called it, side meat or something. It is funny to me to remember that as a kid we would not eat the rind so my Daddy ate ours, now that's my favorite part. Also, he liked the crust on cornbread and would eat ours.
The picture is just like I scanned it of my Nanny and me in 1964. She made the BEST cornbread! She used yellow corn meal, flour, buttermilk, eggs and a big spoon of mayonnaise and had a special square tin pan with a few dents to bake it in. Using that pan it was as pretty as a cake with no crust and was so light. I can't find the meal she used and mine never turned out like hers so I rarely make cornbread. I can't bake biscuits either. She had a bowl of flour like many southern women and would put the shortening and buttermilk in the bowl. I wonder what today's health officials would say about reusing the flour? Didn't hurt us!
I guess I will have to come up with something that Charli remembers me cooking. We have a cake walk at church tomorrow helping the Acteens raise money to send a missionary for school supplies in a part of the country they are really hurting. The Children's Church does do a local thing, too, but the Acteen's are doing a Rock a Thon and getting sponcers and then we have the cake walk. I am baking cookies called "Death by Chocolate" and will try to find a cute way to package them. I have some tins and baskets so I will do something cute.
Well that's another memory shared, Les is getting ready for work and I am going to check out a yard sale or two and go see Charli and get Gina to do my hair. I want layers because I sweat so badly in this humid heat my hair stays soaked. Gina says it is hormones and most older women complain of this. It makes me feel like my poor Nanny, she would have a rag to keep her face wiped. She had very thick hair and long and would wind it up on top of her head. She was a true Southern Woman (worked in the cotton mill, too.) The irony is her parents, the Maynards, came over from England in 1904 and since she was born January 4, 1917 she was first generation American!

Friday, July 24, 2009

This is one of those mornings I did not want to get up! I was at church until almost 9:30 helping clean out the flower room and shed and I was so tired and went to bed soon after getting home. Today is my DGM's 91st birthday so I will go visit her awhile and I have to go to Wal-mart and get groceries. YUCK!

Today's page is done for the DSA CT contest and is made from Connie Prince's Good Night Moon kit and add on and a few pieces of her perfectly natural Kit and her date tags. The competition is rough and when the voting opens on Monday many people have all there friends and family voting for them but it is fun anyway. I think this is one of my best pages. The lyrics are a song by Third Day, "Wnen the Rain Comes" and is one of my favorite songs.

Well off to get ready for work, TGIF!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sitting like this runs in my family, I still sit this way everyday while I sit on the floor with the kids. The top picture is Gina making clothes for her cat. The silly cat would just sit there and let her, too. The picture of Charli was taken Tuesday while we were playing, that's the lamb I take her picture with every month.
Now the last picture is an angel my Grandmother got for me many years ago. She said she thought of me when she saw it. It was one of the first angels people gave me. The blue angel to the right back was given to my Mom when I was born and says Wednesday's Child is full of woe, the wings are broken on it. I still can't part with that one or the October one that belonged to my great-grandmother, Hassie, which is broke, too. The two in back on the bench are from Jeremy and the pretty pink one is from My Mom.
I have many Willowtrees that Gina has gotten me, I love those! My collection is in my bedroom on the mantle so I see them everyday, I do not buy them myself so each one was given by someone who I love, most Gina and my Mom. I never want these to get 'out of hand' like my VW's (I have over 300), I have just enough for my space now, but I love my Angels!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I am in a contest at Digital Scrap Addicts and needed a picture for this week. You know who I picked as my model, LOL! She is so easy to work with, I changed her clothes and brought the umbrella as a prop and just let her play! Maybe she and I should get into fashion photography, ROFL!
The page I posted last week got the page of the day at Gotta Pixel for 7/21, I thought that was cool!
I found out a couple of new words Charli says... MINE! and Chocolate. I brought a 3 Musketeers bar last week to share with her and she loved it so I picked up some mini ones and she went to my pocketbook and wanted to see what I had. After nap she grabbed my finger and told me "'mon" so I got her another she told me "chocolate" and says Yum. The hours I spend with her are the highlight of my week! I am teaching her the Barney Song so she will say I Love You and when I do Itsy Bitsy Spider she tries to do her fingers.

I don't remember my grandmother's singing to me but my Granddaddy did! He sang silly songs he made up. My favorite is Cat beans and bananna soup, he was never afraid to be silly when he and I were together, I will always remember him being disappointed when I wasn't ticklish anymore! I loved my Granddaddy so much and am so sorry he died when Gina was almost 3 so she barely knew him!

Les has an awful breaking out now! He finished his antibiotics, he has an appointment tomorrow to see what is going on. My FIL finally came home from the hospital.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I really enjoy reading Zaroga's Blog! I really need to post more memories of growing up and so here is a start...

First this is my 350th post, I am very proud of myself for posting every day this year!
July 20, 1969 was the day of the first moon walk, I really do not have a memory of seeing it on TV but it would have been a huge B/W set, Daddy also had a tiny portable TV for the car, Les and I actually used that when we got married! We have never been ones to have the latest model.
I was in the Third grade in 1968/69, my teacher was Mrs. Smith. I remember she had a chalk painting on one of her chalk boards that Ruth Martin had done. Mrs Martin was the Mom of Lou who was in my class. She was a local artist and owned the Gallery in town, She would come and give us art lessons and really encouraged me. Back then it was not something common to have art, we had a little PE because of the President's Council on Physical Fitness that was mostly going on the playground and counting pull ups and running and jumping. By 1970 we had it once a week.
This funny picture is me holding my brother and that's my sister (sorry Twila!) The top picture is my third grade photo. I had these glasses from before I started school until I fell and broke them after the fourth grade. I tripped over something in our laundry room/side porch. I wish the photographer would have at least straightened them!
There is something else very important about Art back then... then, we did a clay project every year, this was my second grade and in the third grade we did a SC one because SC History was a Third Grade requirement. The thing is the TEACHER did most of the work! Thank goodness it is not like that today! I have had people helping in my class and they start doing the child's art themselves and I tell them "It is the Process not the Product!" Learning how to make art is very important to children, it is a small muscle motor skill. Most parents will not buy Play Dough, paint and such because of the mess. I am so glad I taught my kids better!
Publish Post

Well this is a start, I am going to have to think of more stuff, I guess!

My biter did his thing yesterday! I was blessed to have several days bite free, I guess! I had to put ice on Dakota's arm, they were playing so well together with the dinosaurs and he bit her out of the blue! All I can do is put him in Time Out, No to biting lemons, or hot sauce or Anything else. I am hoping he will learn to talk better so he can express himself better soon!

Monday, July 20, 2009

My baby is 18 months old today! How I love seeing her grow and change! There are so many words she can say and a few things she is ahead of some the the babies at work, even. She has been jumping a couple of weeks, now, running for awhile, and even holds her crayons right when coloring. How blessed I am and I pray for the kids often.
Yesterday while holding her in church she was humming to the music and she is singing Jesus Loves Me a little and when the preacher said Jesus she repeated him. I took her back for a couple of minuted to see Les do the puppet show and that tickles her. I will get her 18 month pictures tomorrow when I keep her.
The credit goes to the kids for these pictures, mostly Trey, I think, they are off Gina's camera.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

This is a very wonderful day at church, we voted on started construction on our new social hall! When the church was built they were smart to go ahead and have plans drawn up to expand, since the church is paid off we have the money in our building fund now and will break ground the first Sunday in August! How exciting this is to me, my Great-grandmother broke ground at her church and now I get to participate at my church!

I had a very cooperative butterfly when I got home and played with the app. settings on my camera.

I am very proud of myself, I got a lot done cleaning yesterday including dusting under my bed, am going to leave the computer in a few minutes and work some more. The more I get rid of the more I want to get rid of, LOL!
Charli was in a Meme mood today, she wanted me and was giving Gina a fit leaving church. MADE ME PROUD! Preacher Bud said "Grandma's been spoiling that baby!" Gina said she and Trey may go bowling or something together for awhile so we can play together.

SBE Scripture Challenge

Now, because this time of year many of us are away for summer vacations, I've decided to extend the July and August challenges to TWO WEEKS each so that we can all have a little more time to participate. We'll pick up on our regular weekly schedule in the Fall when school starts and we're all back in a normal routine again. That means that this next challenge will run until Saturday July 25th.

For July and August we will be starting a new theme: FAITHFULNESS.

Here is Rina's LO for this challenge


For the months of July and August our theme will be FAITHFULNESS. The scripture verse for Week 21 comes from Proverbs 3:3 which says:
“Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.”

** Be sure to read the General Guidelines to the challenge
HERE, where you can find out what will happen each week. It will tell you how you can take part, what you will be receiving, where to post your submissions to, etc.