Saturday, May 2, 2009

LOOK! Word Art Challenge!

I wanted to take a second to share a thread for a challenge and tutorial on how to make beautiful WA by RINA!! I am fussing with my PI program and am having problems because I can't make a page on NSD!! It's just a little storm though, LOL I will figure it out! AND pray for it!

NSD Freebie

National Scrapbook Day is like a Holiday for Digi Scrappers, LOL! I am amazed at some of the great Deals everywhere! At SBE there are many $1 and $2 sets including Rina's newest I hope you will look! The pastel colors of Joyful Awakening are amazing! Look at that felt heart and the rainbow!
And Look at This! My Name is on something in the store! I helped put together this Brg book to Cathy K's Eggstraordinary kit!She has a GREAT new kit coming out tomorrow for Video Games called Just One More Level, here is a page done with it. I was disparate to find a picture to show it off and found this one of Jeremy from when he took his stepdaughter to Chucky Cheese. Don't you Love the mask!
The Add on and a frame cluster kit are $1 today!
Here's a Page I did with Emily Farnsworth's NSD Mini Kit called Fruit Snacks it's at SOTB on sale and so is a kit I helped name from Garden Girl called Captured Moments

Gotta Pixel has 40% off today Nature's Medley is Connie's newest kit and is $2.40 This is one of my many bird pictures I have taken this year.

OK, I hope you found a bargain by looking over this! Here is you a Bookmark Freebie for stopping by to see me! Of course you will insert your own precious one into this but I am printing this for Mother's Day! It is made with Rina's new kit I told you about but I added pieces from Lavender Blue which is an oldie but goodie! I am happy that over 150 people have downloaded my QP from yesterday! Most of my freebie links are still up so I hope you get what you like and stop back by to watch my Sweet DGD grow up!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Get on the Train!

For my part of the Blog Train I made you a QP using Rina and Kimmi's In Memoriam and a couple of additional elements (BG from Moroccan Nights) PLUS I included just the frame cluster for you you use on your own BG if you want, I hope you enjoy using it as much as I had fun making it!

We know everyone's PayPal account will feel the effects of NSD shopping this weekend, so we want to spoil you a bit with some tantalizing treats that don't cost you anything. You can start at any of the stations you like - you'll find a list of blogs at the bottom of this post. At each station you will discover a small gift created just for YOU by the extremely talented and generous ladies of the Royal Court - thank you, Muses!

Here's a look at the freebie you will find here on this blog:

You can download it HERE

After you have downloaded your goodie, hop on board the blog train again for your next visit. These are the stations you'll find along the way:

Kimmi Stewart's Blog (The Royal Court):
Charne's Blog (Meisie's Doodles):
Kabra's Blog (Kabra's Korner):
Debbie's Blog (GrannyNKy's Notes from the Holler):
Denise's Blog (The Rich Scrapper):
Lor's Blog (Lorilei Murphy):
Tammy's Blog (Creative Thoughts):
Rina's Blog (The Reluctant Recluse):

We hope that you will enjoy the ride with us. Happy scrapping!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Some pages with Simply Shannon by It'z a Neet Design, Charli enjoyed my flowers and birds. I had a wonderful time with her yesterday and she said bird about 3 times and tried to make birds sounds, LOL! When I kept her Sunday she would stand in my lap to see each time a bird landed on the feeders! I am going to keep her today, too, Gina doesn't have any morning appointments, I am glad to spend more time with her!
At 15 months she is saying a lot of words! She calls Sponge Bob, Bob, says Dora, ball, eat and several other things. I haven't had much time this week on the computer, hope to this afternoon.
Oh, our Preacher is on vacation and our good friend Tim preached last night and will Sunday, it was a fantastic lesson on forgiveness! Looking forward to Sunday!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A little Freebie Bookmark

I didn't have many to do this month's Scripture Challenge at 3S so I decided to give it to you! Here's the link. I used the kit by Pyralis If you are a member at 3S I wish you would check out the challenges! I have nice gifts to give out. I am so proud of the Scrap Your Treasures Challenge but had no one to do it!

If you are just here for the freebie be watching for the mini Royal Muse Blog Train coming up, I will be joing Rina Kroes and Kimmi Stewart and the other creative ladies of their Design Team in it!
I thought this was so funny! Charli likes to see your tummy and she says "Gickle, Gickle" then laughs at herself, She is really jabbering now, I look at the kids at work knowing what the next few month's hold!
One of my babies fell today when he was running and hit his head, while I was loving on him I didn't know he had bit his lip and was bleeding on me, after all he had fell on his back! Thank goodness Les was off and brought me a clean shirt! The child fell 20 minutes later and hurt his ear. Thank goodness he had a better day after that!

Here are the roses Les brought me! The Vase is really a Left Handled pitcher a good friend once gave me to remember him by, he was left handed. I treasure it because he died in the early 80's!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I scrapped several of the pictures I took Sunday. I really love this kit by Jeanye AKA It'z A Neet Design at Scrappable called A Little Sunshine. Don't you love the yellow and black/White? I made several pages tonight.
Finally got my picture for the recipe page but I haven't started the page yet, I need to do that since April is almost over!
Les has taken a few days off this week, they have cut their hours so he took some days to have enough hours to pay bills. My week is actually clear other than the usual Charli on Tuesday and Wednesday and church. Thursday out step grand daughter will my 9. I have seen her so little that in July when Jeremy came home she didn't remember who we were when she came over. She is such a funny little girl, her dad has custody of her which means she doesn't see her Mom, my DIL or her sister or Seth her half brother. Makes me sad.

Monday, April 27, 2009

I wanted to add this picture of my first roses that have bloomed! I thought this was my Queen Elizabeth but it is so much more purple than it is supposed to be! I have buds on one in the front yard, too, should get pictures later.
Les brought me home two pick roses, he went over to David's and got them. He also bought me a couple of gnomes to hang in my posts and put up a new feeder for me. He got a lot of brownie points today!

When Charli comes in she is going to head to my office! She knows where her toys are, she also Loves to get the VW's she is allowed to play with. So far she doesn't bother anything she is not supposed to have and she knows the word NO! She says it often enough, especially when she is eating!
Today I have a new child, Katherine, she has been coming to see me in the morning and is excited to come to our class! She will be 2 on May 3rd

Sunday, April 26, 2009

My little gardening partner...
Charli played with me while Gina and Trey went to the movies. I was so glad because I was by myself and we had a lot of fun! She found a couple of dandelions, she is so funny because I have to blow them, she won't! She kept walking around the lounge chair so I was singing Ring around the Rosie but she would stoop instead of fall, I will work on that this week, LOL! She thought smelling my flowers was fun but she liked playing in the dirt better! It kept her occupied for quite awhile!
She is sleeping on her Pop's lap, I just wanted to do a quick post and I am going back.
Have a great week!