Saturday, September 13, 2008

I removed the Blog Train links but left the Bragbook pages if you still want them, it was a fun celebration and thrilled me to make it to the Digi Freebies site!
These pages are of Charli tasting real corn and potatoes, she doesn't seem to like them but ate some anyway, Gina is a good cook and I loved them, LOL!
These are made with Kimmi's new Autumn Blessings Kit and it's on sale because it's the Half N Half kit!

Friday, September 12, 2008

While you are here check the Sept 5 Post for your Blog Train

Grandmama is doing Great!

My Grandmother, who is 90, went through her mastecotomy with out any problems! She said that there were Lots of prayers going up for her that helped her. When I sat with her yesterday she was laughing, eating candy and she even had Mama fix her hair and put on lipstick! How Blessed I am with her genes!
My PI2000 program has been acting out so I have not got to do any pages but I reloaded it and hope to scrap later today!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Another Bragbook Freebie!

I am very happy so many picked up the Bragbook page from yesterday! Here is another page with the Birthday freebies to celebrate our 4th Birthday at 3S! The designers worked really hard to make these freebies and I hope you have visited the site and joined the fun! This is my son, Jeremy 25 years age! He always was a cutie!