Saturday, January 3, 2009

Kept Charli today while Gina worked and we had a really fun day! She called me Meme 3 times, this is a picture from Christmas morning, the kit is Cathy K's new one called Laugh and it is a Super kit! I have used it om several pages.
Julie sent me a video from her phone of Seth walking, it don't last but a few seconds and I can't even see what he looks like But it is the first thing I have had in months!
I was telling Les tonight that I didn't post many or even do much at my sites but I made about 250 pages in December. I did 6 Brag book calendars for kids at work, one for my MIL, one for Gina and 2 wedding books, all these were 4 x 6 but I did a couple of square pages, too, in 2008 I made well over 1000 total pages! I am trying to get the challenges started at 3S, I hope I have a good response.
Oh, Les and I used my GC from Ryan and ate at Crackerbarrel, I really enjoyed that. My back is itching from where Dr. Henderson froze those places on my back, I had 3 there, one on my face and one on my elbow I had removed Wednesday, that really hurt while he froze them but other than itching they are ok. I am glad to have them off!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Luke 24:45

I actually didn't take a single picture yesterday! We has the New Year's meal of Ham, blackeyed peas, collards and stewed tomatoes at the Gary's and Charli started taking 3 or 4 steps, I was too excited she would quit if I got me camera so I just watched her. I will keep her in the morning so maybe we can play and I can get her to do it more, January 1 is a perfect day to start walking, I think!

Well on with my resolution... here is my first scripture to learn found in Luke 24:45. Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures
I had another picked out but was lead to this one. I was talking to my Grandmother and we don't understand why our family members don't go to church! I so Love church and get so much from learning and teaching, I teach 12 and 13 year olds and have really learned so much this past year about Bible History.
I can't see putting earthly things before church and showing up just when you feel good! Teaching helps because I have to be there Plus since Gina sits with me I get to hold my baby and she is a good girl in church! Today I am praying that my family members will open their minds to the scriptures, I can't imagine being a parent now and Not raising them to look to Christ for guiance and not the sins of this world.... I am stepping down from my soapbox now to go to work.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Last night we ended up going to Gina's and keeping Charli because Leighann went home from the hospital and needed to rest. Gina had let her stay up and she was in a mood to play, we watched Horton Hears a Who and it was amazing animation! Charli would nap then play, Trey and Gina got home about 11:30 so Les and I just went on to bed, we did hear a lot of firecrackers for several minutes and there were bottle rockets in our yard today but we could really see the fireworks. It was a nice night.
I used Rina's On Night Divine kit to make my baby an angel, the BG is from her Christmas Traditions kit and the flower is a freebie from Osten Wilkins, he has a Gorgeous winter DAD so you should join there! I like also that you reach levels of posts and you get more freebies! Oh, the lace beads, and other elements are from Pam Laflors and Irene Alexeeva, I love their blogs!
Well I finished my eggnog, baked a pie to take to my inlaws and will be getting ready to take my tree down when I get home from their house. I hope everyone is OK and has a great start to the year.
BTW I did make a resolution... to learn at least a scripture a week and to do more RAKs, Shannon , a friend of mine lost her babyTues. She had found out she was pregnant Christmas Eve, maybe I will start with her, I will think about what I can do!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Eve

I played with this picture of Charli and the Moose we made her for Christmas...
Les and I were going to spend New Year's Eve with Leighanne at the Hospital because she was put there Sunday but she got to go home today and wanted to rest, I am so glad her counts are better!
So we are going to church at 7:00 and going to sit with our baby while Gina and Trey go to a party, I can't think of anything better to do! Gotta' Run!