Friday, November 26, 2010

Our friend Ronny Holder passes away around noon yesterday. How sad to lose a loved one on a holiday! Since Dad died on Father's Day it hasn't been the same, I can only imagine Thanksgiving! Charli loved him, he drove the train at Emerald Farms and would ask her, "you ready to ride the train?"
I will post pictures from yesterday later, my MIL is coming to get me so I can get my bloodwork done and we are going to Hancock. I slept until 9:00, this is the first time in over 20 years I did no Black Friday shopping. I finally decided to use the cart at Wal-Mart because my oxygen drops so no crowds for me!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

We have had several people in church with problems... we lost Papa Hearst, Ronny who drives the train at Emerald Farms had a stroke Sunday and is now at Hospice, I picked this picture of Charli riding the train, she likes Mr Ronny!
Then Carolynn's Mom Florence is in hospital with double pneumonia. I am sure this is going to be a rough Thanksgiving for them all but I pray they will get through by using their faith!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Had fun putting up my tree with Charli yesterday! We also make candy pretzels and she made candle canes with chenille stems and beads. We also took her to see a couple of Christmas lights and when she got home Trey and Gina had her yard all decorated! She ws so excited! It was a perfect day!