Saturday, December 17, 2011

We tried to take Seth and Charli to Crackerbarrel where I met Angela Pless to git her her Family tree she bought but Seth had a melt down and went to sleep in Les' arms. Charli is spending night but Julie came and got him, we will try again... I have sold several Family trees! thonk Lottie bought 4 or maybe 5, Angela, Jenifer Harding and I am making one for after Chritmas to send to my friend in England, Sue. Also Dana Gravely ordered 2 from me I need to get done. I had to order more of the connectors and it will be first of the year when they come in. I love eBay! They are $1.99 with free shipping. I have not taken any pictures of the kids yet!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Thursday 12/15

Got the $22 Sandy Guest sent me for her sister's gifts and made $25 with Les taking the jewelry to work, Lynda Williams bought them. Putting my family tree on facebook has brought lots of interest too, have 3 to make right now. This jewelry money has been great blessing.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Wednesday 12/14

Thanks to Twila Julie and Seth got here safely!
Dr H changed my heart medicine so I am going to try it to see if I feel better.
Also have 2 people wanting earrings from Facebook plus I got another order for Family tree pendant

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I know yesterday's post was strange but there is a reason, a Krylon can exploded in my MIL's kitchen and they want to say it is her fault. I told them they needed to make it right and posted this picture, if they do not do right I will post the pictures on Facebook. I don't feel I have a lot of choice because she has a red ceiling, china cabinet and deck. we will wait and see.
I am excited Seth and Julie will be home. I have a doctor's appointment at 11:30, I am going to tell him I don't have the energy to do anything! I want to sleep so much and just doing laundry makes me so out of breath I just can't stand it!
I did finish an afghan for Noel's baby. Suzan is not going there for Christmas she is waiting until baby is born. Nic and Jennifer are adopting Matthew so Noel will have to move out by law. I pray she will stay in Kentucky and get her GED. It is so great Nic is doing this! Jennifer can't have more children and he does love them so much. I made her a red/black and white cat afghan and little red and white hat. They have Cat in the Hat theme for nursery and he asked me to make one but I already was almost finished when he asked, LOL!
I really need to finish putting gifts together I just do not feel like it! I really wish I could have some 'life'

Monday, December 12, 2011