Saturday, January 2, 2010

I did this for the Scripture Challenge at SBE using Boyhood Tales by Rina Kroes. It is a picture I took of Jeremy and Seth at Emerald Farms here in Greenwood while they were home for the funeral.

Today Gina and Trey put in my MIL's floor in the den and we all ate leftovers from yesterday. Charli was especially good while they worked on it. She was playing with a stethoscope in the toys and kept saying 'stethoscope' over and over, she repeats most of what she hears and and has a great vocabulary!

I signed up for the 365 group on FB, I don't know if I can take a picture everyday but I will try.

Friday, January 1, 2010

This is my 500th post.
Les had to work today so we had to eat our New Year's Dinner at my MIL's when he had a lunch break, it was nice to be with the family for collards and black-eyed peas.
Last year I made a resolution to do better on Blogging and I did pretty well, just lost the desire to post every day. I ended the year feeling a little poorly, I cough so much I have a sore rib and my knee is swelling and I have to keep taking advil. I also have a cyst in my right wrist which I will see the Dr about Jan. 13. I have a physical on the 21st so I will talk to him about an inhaler or something. I also have not been scrapping much since my FIL died in October, my heart is just not in it lately.
I got several kits this weekend and plan on doing some though. I need to do some for Charli's second birthday.
I really do not have any resolutions this year, I just want to feel more like myself again.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

I am not staying up to see the New Year. I have coughed until my rib hurts and my knee is still swollen so I am going to climb in my warm bed after I take some Advil. I hope everyone else does more exciting things.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

This is my Favorite gift this Christmas! When Charli comes to the house now she points and says Volkswagen! Les gave it to me and it is made of metal, very cool!
I went to the dentist yesterday and got my broken tooth fixed. He said it was now 25% tooth and 75% filling but it works well and he is a great dentist and didn't hurt! Gina got her retainer yesterday, too.
Here is this week's challenge
This last week of 2009 we are completing our theme on GLORY, so the scripture verse for Week 40 comes from 1 Chronicles 29:11 which says:
“Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours.”

** Be sure to read the General Guidelines to the challenge HERE, where you can find out what will happen each week. It will tell you how you can take part, what you will be receiving, where to post your submissions to, etc.

Here is a preview of your FREE Word Art for this week (the link to download the Word Art to use as part of your submission appears at the BOTTOM of this message, and will only be available until the close of this challenge):

* The deadline for submitting your creation for THIS challenge is midnight EST on Saturday January 2nd 2010.*

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Charli's new bed, this is what Santa brought her. She loved the ball pit best, LOL!