Saturday, April 4, 2009

Thanks to Linda at "Random Thoughts At Linda's Place" for the wonderful Word Art for this page! I used a couple of Kimmi's kits to do this page for one of the challenges at SBE. HERE are the credits and links to her kits. I am following Linda and will be watching for more great WA! I love this picture, Charli has on Gina's head band. That's part of what I got to go in her Easter Basket. I found a cute pink wire basket and got hairbows and I am going to get some of the dried fruit I found at Wal-Mart, I need to sit and make her a little bracelet and necklace... that will go on my To Do list!
I want to get several pages done today, I also need to clean a little. Les and Jeff fixed my Bird feeder at my window and so far a couple of Robins have perched there this AM, I am going to have to clean the window now!
I am going to take my bath now, have been up since 6:30 but been posting pages and checking things. I really need to go brush my teeth and get dressed. I don't feel right sitting around in my sweats!
Guess what? This is my 100th post for this year!

Friday, April 3, 2009

This is another picture I got Wednesday, she had taken the bunny ears off and was just making faces at me. I really love yellow on her, I wish Gina had put the dresses I had saved for her and gotten her picture, I don't think she really cared because she is not sentimental like I am. I had saved the dress she had for her first birthday and a few others. She has so many outfits in all sizes that she hasn't thought about them much. I guess that's what happens when you have so many people spoiling her!
Well today is April Showers Day at work, fitting I think, LOL!
I hope I can actually get some pages made today, I didn't yesterday, and Les is off.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Charli's New Bunny Ears

Life is good when you have a grandchild who is willing to pose anytime, LOL! I guess I have C.O.D. went it comes to taking pictures of her! I paid $1 for these at Wal-Mart the other night and was so happy she liked wearing them!
Speaking of compulsions I am so upset that MONK is in the final season! I LOVE THAT SHOW! I do not like reruns because I remember most of the details But I can sit and watch the Monk Marathons. That and M*A*S*H which I dearly love.

I am proud the challenges are up and running at 3S! I like the way Janeal is doing the recipe challenge on an 8 x 10 format, she is doing Main Dishes first. I will have to think of something to scrap.

I love Thursdays! The first of the week is hectic but Thursdays are mine to do as I please! I plan on catching up when I get home!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What are Bubbles for?

I took Charli outside to play with the bubbles yesterday, I guess bubbles mean washing her hair, so that's what she did! I had to rinse it out before Gina saw her, LOL!

Be sure and get on the SBE Blog Train! Here is my friend Cathy K
she has made a cute spring mini kit for you! Here's the preview to this cute freebie!.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I am working on the challenges at 3S to start tomorrow, I am the Challenge Team Leader and will be doing the Scrapture and a new challenge called Scrap Your Treasures. This Bookmark will be a posting gift, it is made from Bohemian Spring by Pyralis Designs. I hope I will have a good response! I lined up some good gifts to give out.
Thanks for reading my Blog! I really enjoy knowing someone cares what I have to say!

Monday, March 30, 2009

These are not very flattering pictures of Charli feeding me her beef stew but I am posting them anyway. Les never gets down to take pictures and since he is so tall I am lucky he didn't cut my head off, LOL! She has a high chair but I didn't bother with it and just sat in front of her, you can tell she got plenty on me but we had fun. She is always trying to feed me, at church yesterday she tried to give me her paci.
You can see my hair anyway. I like it short.
Twila, I am glad you posted your boy doll on your Blog and I am very happy you sold some! He is cute, I hope you can get your sewing room set up! I am glad you came to church yesterday and Cody is feeling better.
My FIL is running a fever, Les and I planned to go over there after we saw my Grandmama but we didn't make it. The wind was cold and making me cough bad so Les went to church alone for the singing. I guess Les will check on him before he goes to work the afternoon.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

A card for Kevin

I got up this morning and made a card to take to Kevin from our Sunday School Class, I know it will brighten his day. I also thought it would be a great example to the girls how beautiful scripture is and I have a mini lesson on this one, I had picked up a duck feather when Charli and I went last week, that will work out just right.
Rina creates the most wonderful word art, this is from last week's challenge at Scrapbook Elements, each week we get a new one, it is a PNG file so Zaroga if you ever want to try making a card you can go get it and it will layer on a photo or background and I can help you... or I can make some for you if you send me some photos. I print mine at Walgreens and sometimes I put them on a blank card and sometimes I don't I also can do bookmarks for you and get 2 on a page, I would love to do it for you anytime.
The kit I used is new and called Moroccan Nights by Rina but the feather came from Oh Night Divine and the red flowers, frame and angel charm came from Classic Elegance from Kimmi Stewart. I like the way it looks, Les said he liked it, too.
Well I hope everyone is feeling well! The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and hopefully it will be a gorgeous day! I know I sure feel great and can't wait to see Charli at church!