Saturday, October 17, 2009


Gina and Trey went to Atlanta and got Jeremy's family and they got in at 3:00 this AM. They were all tired but it was cute when they put their stuff in the spare room (her Daddy's office) Charli said "NO!" and crossed her little arms, she is not allowed to play in there and thought they shouldn't be there either, LOL! She took right to Alexis and let Seth play in her car and tried to get him to play blocks with her.
She, Les and I had all taken a long nap so when they got home she was feeling good, Les has not gotten much sleep in days. The bad thing is after I ate I got so sick! I started with my stomach at Gina's and when we got home slept a few minutes and got up and Les was in bathroom and I got sick all in the hall! He cleaned it up for me, he has always been good about that kind of thing. I am starting to feel better now, didn't want to take my meds and throw them up but I think I can go take a cool bath and take them now.
Will post pictures later of the kids.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Papa's Gone

Les got the call a few minutes ago, his Dad is dead. Jeremy is coming in tonight and Gina is going to get him. I am just praying Les's sister will behave....

Thursday, October 15, 2009

A waiting game

Here is Charli tonight at Kindermusic with the bells. While I was there I was playing phone tag with Jeremy, I still have not talked to him but Les said he is coming home, I don't expect he will see his Papa, the Dr does not think he will make it through the night, Les has be there all day and will probably stay if he can until the end. I am hoping "J" can bring Seth but I don't know if that is possible or not. Les's Mom put a DNR so an IV is the only thing he has now. The biopsy came up cancer and Les said it is bad. Now we are waiting...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It has been a lazy rainy day, I ran out of coffee so I drank hot chocolate this morning, I wasn't as good. Charli took a good long nap and then we played blocks.
My FIL has now had 2 close calls, it is looking like liver cancer, Les was off and stayed with his Mom part of the day. Preacher Bud stopped by, we both are too worn out to go to church tonight.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Charli plays the drums

Charli made me feel good today, she played the drums for me. I really need to get a recorder so I will have sound but I still enjoy recording and posting so I will have it. She also played her little piano toy and sang for me.
Les had to get off work and go to the hospital, his Mom was crying and said the Dr said his time is running out. I know we have been through this over and over and somehow George comes through but I don't know how he can hang on much longer, I will let you know.
Time to go get my potato soup Gina sent home with me, I Love potato soup!

Monday, October 12, 2009

I am finally getting back to normal! Didn't go to my women's meeting because it's cool and rainy and didn't want to get out in it, though. My FIL is back in the hospital with fluid around his liver and multiple other ailments, I will not be going to see him at least for a few days! Les made a pot of soup and it was pretty good!

I did scrap a little... These are made with Connie Prince's new kit Now and Forever, The top is Charli and my grand dog, Tye and the other is Les in Kindermusic with Charli Thursday. I did sell a pair of my Halloween earrings today which was nice.

This week's Scripture Challenge

We are starting a new theme this week based on COMPASSION, so to kick us off, our scripture verse for Week 29 comes from Lamentations 3:22 which says:
“Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.”

** Be sure to read the General Guidelines to the challenge HERE, where you can find out what will happen each week. It will tell you how you can take part, what you will be receiving, where to post your submissions to, etc.

Here is a preview of your FREE Word Art for this week (the link to download the Word Art to use as part of your submission appears at the BOTTOM of this message, and will only be available until the close of this challenge):

* The deadline for submitting your creation for THIS challenge is midnight EST on Saturday October 17th 2009.*

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Here is Jeremy getting his Sargent promotion I sure wish I could have seen him!

I really mixed Charli up today because I didn't go to church! Gina says she was saying "Meme!"
so cute! Last Sunday Gina was rinsing her hair when she got water in Charli's eye, she screamed "Mommy, Daddy, Meme, Help me!"
I watched Casino Royalle and am now watching Hostage, I don't spend a lot of time watching movies but enjoyed the James Bond movie a lot.
I did get laundry done and some other neatening up so the day wasn't wasted, I did miss church though, I think this was the 2nd or 3rd Sunday Morning I have missed all year.