Friday, July 22, 2011

I am glad I decided to catch up on some of my favorite Blogs because I found I great pattern for an apron made out of jeans at "A girl and a glue gun's"!
I have been trying to think of what to do for craft shows this fall and I think I will do some Recycle crafts and use jeans. As much as I hate to sew this is probably a pretty good thing to do! Since I can't get into my size 6's (But I am now below 140 lbs) that is a good starting place ;^D
I was happy that Janette came to see me today! She brought me some vegetables. This week we have gotten tomatoes from Debbie, David and 'Nette. Les is going to put some up in the freezer.
The picture is Ames being nosy while Charli is making crafts ;)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Gina and Trey came over and did some yard and house cleaning for us! She is the Best daughter! I have put several videos on my YouTube channel of the Mud Bog. will share later.
This is the bird house Gina gave me last year, a small bird has built a nest there.