Well, I did learn ways to have a better quality of life while I was at Duke! I also learned that you have to work Very hard to get to the point you can get a new set of lungs, for example I must start doing Pulmonary Therapy again, since it is getting ready to transplant insurance should help. I also have to change sleeping pills and not refill my cough syrup because it is a narcotic. I have to get new oxygen tanks that will give me more oxygen because that is what's wrong and while I feel like I am dying sometimes, my air is nor strong enough!
The biggest thing is I Must have a smoke free house which means my brother Has to find some one who is kind enough to give him a room knowing he has no money and drinks and smokes! This is sad to me in many, many ways, Ames and Charli love him and he helps watch them when I am feeling bad and he is company when Les is at work! Plus I love him and do not want to see him go some where they will knock him over the head and let him die! The only place he has is with Rocky which is horrid to think about!
I am so tired I will share Duke trip later, I will say I saw inside Quality Inn and Hospital and that is it!