I took this the other day, I set it as my desktop! Went with Gina to the Doctor today, Charli now weighs 12'6" which is reverse of her 6'12" birth weight.
She is in the 25 to 50% on weight but in 75% on height at 25"long!
I am a Christian wife and Mom and have 2 grandbabies born in January 4 days apart! I also have a new DGS born Oct. 2, 2010.
I love photography and digital scrapbooking. I had to give up work right at my 50th birthday because my lungs are diseased and had to go on oxygen.
I try to look at things in the best light, though, I get to spend time with two of my grands and my daughter is my best friend and understands me better that anyone!
God is Good, All the time!