Saturday, March 21, 2009

Cat in the Hat

The pictures today are from our Cat in the Hat day except this one of Ryan dancing with Kinley, I wanted you to see how tiny she is. She was 2 Jan. 10 so she is a year older than Charli but smaller! She is wearing 6 to 12 month size while 12 months is now getting too small for Charli and Kinley's legs are so small!

I love the shirt Caleb had on! He and Ryan are reading Green Eggs and Ham.

Here is what I did to decorate, that's the Cat and the fish up there and some of my books and Things 1 & 2. You can see our schedule here, too, I have arrows to show days of the week and what it is time for, here the arrow is on story time. It is to help kids know what comes next and develop a sense of time. Also there are shamrocks at the bottom which was our shape we were learning. They are numbered and laminated and I would hide them and the kids would find them and I place them back in order counting the numbers and if one was missing I say, "we need the #3" and they would look until they found it.
These are concepts I learned in my training about teaching Math

These are the cute treats Hunter's Mom made us with vanilla wafers and gummy life savers! They were Good!
Well, that's today's share. Monday the class will look like spring-time, I already took down the shamrocks and small Cats and fish I had hanging from the ceiling and put up the flower shapes. I have a couple of bees, bunnies and ducks to put up top and books about spring.
I got the results from our Parent survey questions. 75% satisfied and 25% very satisfied, I was proud of that, had very nice comments written, too.
I just have to remember this next time Hunter hits Ryan in the head with a block, LOL!

Friday, March 20, 2009

I joined a new site called Digiscrap Addicts so I was going through some of my pages from last year and thought I would post these of Charli being born. The kit is
A Little Whimsy by Lauren Bavin
I was in the room and did these pictures myself, that was so Awesome! I will post some more later. I actually came home and made these for her so she could have them at the hospital!

Today at work is Cat in the Hat Day! I got a red and white striped shirt and might wear a hat, I don't know I am not a hat person. I am looking forward to it.

OH, Les did get his boot off, it is now in a cast for 3 weeks. They are also taking his uric acid levels and getting it looked at by a Kidney specialist and watching a growth on his leg. I think om and I scared him talking about Mersa looking like a spider bite. If it festers he has to go get a biopsy done.
That's 3 for 3 months and an appointment for next month...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sometimes Charli really shows out, LOL! I made this page for a challenge at SBE, they give you a title and you make a page, I used Flutter Free and a glitter overlay by Rina and Content and Somebody For me by Kimmi because I wanted to match her outfit.
I was going to keep her Saturday night but Gina asked if she could move it to Sunday because she has a wedding party Saturday and it will be after 4 when she gets off. I told her that was fine. I hope it will be pretty and maybe we can do something special like go to the park. I am sure we will go see Les's parents.
I need to get a picture of my 'new do' up. Gina cut my hair short and I have gotten so many compliments on it! Even one of the men from church last night said he liked it. Les has said several times he does which is really special because he likes long hair - and red. She did put some color on it, she says it's to make it 'glow' I let her do whatever she wants because I know she doesn't want her Mom to look bad, LOL!
I guess I will find out later if Les has to walk around several more weeks with that boot on or if his foot has healed. I am aggravated that the Reclast IV I got for my bones cost over $3600.00! After insurance paid I still owe $672! I am going to have to tell my Dr I can't afford that every year, that's CRAZY! Just to avoid a broken bone, I can't take the pills because they make my reflux worse.
Well off to play with my babies!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Here's one of the pictures I have taken at work. The birds like the fruit I throw out and I love watching them. Things have been pretty good with Kinley adjusting this week, she is so tiny! i will post a picture later. She is smaller than Charli and is a year older.
I don't really have much to say this morning, I hope everyone is feeling good today!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Cody!

Happy St Patrick's day!
Today is also my nephew Cody and my SIL, Trey's birthdays.
This is one of my favorite pictures of my nephew, he and Jeremy playing on the beach, he's now a teen and I don't see him very much. I was trying to remember the last real conversation we had... he knows all these trivia facts about animals and wants to write books kids want to read when he gets older. I always tried to be a good listener for my nieces and nephews. I have seen him at church 2 or 3 times this year and at a couple of restaurants but I don't think I have talked to him really since last fall when we went to the beach. That's a shame!
Cody if you read this Aunt Me loves you and misses you!
Happy Birthday, Sweetie!

Monday, March 16, 2009

I have to admit I am not much of a bird person and don't know what kind he is but we have a lot of them around here and I don't know if they are playful or down right mean bt they will chase off a crow and fight in the air!
Jeremy sent me a link to a video he made of my DGS Seth! It's HERE on Youtube. I really enjoyed watching it.
Well off to work and my day with Kinley as my new child.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Charli and Tye

I got up early this morning and made these 4 pages with Perfect Paws by Lindsay Jane I know I am going to use this kit a lot! I posted it at Scrapbook Bytes not realizing it had been over 2 years since I posted there, I almost wanted to deleted the pages I have there, LOL! They look pretty pitiful!
Any way I took most of these pictures last night while I was playing with Charli. We had such fun, I had laid down at 9:30 with her and she was heading to sleep but then got a playful streak and when Gina came at 10 she was ready to play! Maybe it was that half piece of chocolate I gave her? She ate Beef stew great and shared a yogurt with me and then the piece of Valentine candy. I do have to be careful, Gina limits her sugar and gives her fruits and vegetables.
It's raining and cold and Les is at work but I am going to service tonight. I have enjoyed the messages so much lately! Wednesday night he started a new study Finding Favor with God. At 70 I guess Bud feels he doesn't have as long to preach and his sermons have really taught me so much! In winter I miss some Sunday nights when Les works because I don't see very well when it's dark so since time has changed I don't have that problem. I don't know how people can cope with things in life with out a church family. We have a group on Ning and Yahoo and we share via our cell phones when people need prayers. This week alone one of our young women was in a wreck and broke her knee cap in half and her Mom texted us when she came out of surgery. another had a new baby girl Thursday McKenzie Reese Ferqueron. Angel will be OK, she didn't lose her kneecap but it will be slow healing and she is a nurse and you know what they say about nurse making bad patients!
Well off to post these pages and sent Lindsay Jane a Thank You note.