Saturday, September 12, 2009

Les and I just got home a few minutes ago from our party, it was a blast! That's my preacher above trying to find his wife by touching her arm, he missed! That's him doing the Hoola Hoop, too. I was the only one to Roast her hubby but it was funny and he got a special prize, a monkey puppet, that's him beside our friend Sheila, and that's our Deacon who just had his hip replacement last month dancing with the Preacher's daughter. I got there after 2 to help set up and it was almost 9:30 when we left.

Les and I got a lot of work done in the garage today. He wasn't happy with me because I made him do more than he wanted but it is mostly done and I am happy.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Here is Charli checking out my butterfly bush last Saturday, I have been checking out some ideas on Esty for the craft show I will be doing in November. I am going to do Yard Art pieces and a few other things. I found a service project, too. I am helping the women in the Faith Home to make some things for craft shows to raise money. The Faith Home helps people addicted to alcohol or drugs. This is a ministry that I fully believe in and I have done volunteer work before.

Les has the week end off but since his gout is flared up he can't do much. I do wish we could have worked in the garage or something. He did go to see his parents last night with me and we did a couple of errands but mostly he lays on the sofa or in the tub to try to get relieve. Tomorrow we are having a fun party called a Wiener Roast and are cooking hot dogs and having a Hawiian Theme, I can't wait!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

After a poor start my Four-o'clocks have finally made it! I transplanted them when we moved last year and the boys kept cutting them down but here they are! I haven't seen them bloom yet but I will make a point to go look later this week. A friend from work gave me some yellow seeds and I will put them in a bucket of dirt for next spring. I read to put them with morning glories and I just may do that.

I am still going on Charli's stocking, will post a picture of how far I have gotten soon.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Just a quick post because I had a nosebleed at church and now feel a little weak so I am going to bed early. There is a new show called The Freshbeat Band and Charli loves Kiki so she kept handing me the romote saying, "Kiki, Meme!" of course she didn't understand I couldn't turn on the show anytime but I tried to connect the Laptop and get in up but didn't work since I couldn't get a connection so I told Trey maybe he could. I thought it was so precious, though!
Les's boss is stepping down which it a good thing, please say a quick prayer that he will get a good, Christian manager who understands Church events!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Here's another picture of Seth, it's cute isn't it? I had a great day at work, got my eval, too, which was super but due to salary freezes no raises this year, but the money is not the most important thing is it? I an really getting a lot done on my stocking for Charli so this is a very quick post so I can work on it, no scrapping either, I have a gorgeous new kit to work with, too!
I do have the TV set for America's Got Talent, I usually do not watch this kind of thing but am enjoying it, I am not happy about Grandma Lee getting through, though, her act is the same stuff every week and not that great.

Monday, September 7, 2009

I hope you have had a great Labor day, I have! I have done a lot on Charli's stocking and not must on the computer. The only time I got out I went to get a few groceries and wore my Carolina shirt to Chick-Fil-a to get my free sandwich, it was Good!
Here is a new picture of Seth after his first haircut, Gina was sad she wasn't the one to cut it.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Cathy K has a new kit in her store today called Campfire Stories and it is so cute! I was going to try to find some of Jeremy's Scout pictures but instead I decided to try to make a couple of Girl pages, I really like the way they turned out! The one with my niece has a picture I took in 2006 when Jeremy was getting ready to go to Boot Camp. I have always loved it! I am so glad she added the ribbons and wildflowers to this kit and I LOVE the papers!

Now here is the Scripture Challenge at SBE for this week...

I wanted to add one more scripture for our current theme of “FAITHFULNESS” this week. With that in mind, our scripture verse for Week 24 comes from Psalm 86:15 which says:
“But you, O LORD, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.”

** Be sure to read the General Guidelines to the challenge HERE, where you can find out what will happen each week. It will tell you how you can take part, what you will be receiving, where to post your submissions to, etc.

Here is a preview of your FREE Word Art for this week (the link to download the Word Art to use as part of your submission appears at the BOTTOM of this message, and will only be available until the close of this challenge):

* The deadline for submitting your creation for THIS challenge is midnight EST on Saturday September 12th 2009.*