Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Charli's First Cereal

Just a Very Quick post before work! I got to feed Charli yesterday, Gina decided to give her rice cereal and she loved it!
Kit is Cathie Alesia's Sunny Disposition.

Monday, April 21, 2008

I really love being a grandmother! I was so happy to get some new pictures of Seth! I think He favors Charli, I will be so glad to see him this summer! I used kits by my friend Cathy Alesia from Scrapbooker's Playground for these, Seth's is done with Sunny Disposition and Charli's is Rainbow Connection.

It is so amazing to think that Charli turned 3 months old yesterday! She was born on a Sunday, too. Seth will be 3 months Thursday. Yesterday as I held her in church she actually played with a small bear I got her! I love that she is staying awake and playing with me!

At work Rylee and Samantha moved up and Lily and Jackson came into our class, Jackson is related to Les' family son I guess he is a distant cousin. I will miss my babies and thier Mom's!!

Saturday we are taking the kids on a Mystery Tour to a state park and we will hike and take pictures and fish, that will be fun!