Saturday, March 6, 2010

Goodbye Scrubs!

It was kind of sad taking my scrubs to give to Miss Martha today when I went to training. I kept a couple and the jackets but thought she would enjoy them and I am decluttering my life, so that was best!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Today I was coughing and Charli gave me my water and said, "Drink water, Meme" I thought that was so Sweet!
I am so amazed at her with her potty training! Today when I brought her home she gave in and told me she had stinkied in her diaper and she sat and pottied. She them put her panties on and went 5 or 6 times staying dry all day! She even sat up from her nap and said she had to go. I have trained dozens of kids and she is one of the top 3 in how easy she is!
She even feels it and grabs herself and starts going to the potty!
We had a good day today playing play dough, using a glue stick, dancing to 80's music and playing puppets.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

These were gifts I got from my boss and a parent when I left my class last week! The top one is from my boss. I am waiting for the warmer weather next week to get them hung!

Got a lot done today, cleaned my dresser, my cedar chest and my closet out. I called Les to bring me boxes but he forgot Twice. I am giving my scrubs to a lady at work and have a lot of 'plain' socks to give to the ladies at the local rehab. I only had Charli for an hour and a half so got to work on my room.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Making Butterflies

Today was very different. I went in work for 15 minutes and Gina dropped Charli by and after doing some errands we came home where she took a nap and we worked on our first painting project.
It also snowed today, very pretty but didn't cover the ground all over.
Charli is doing so well potty training! The only diaper wet was from where we were in the car getting things done. She enjoys wearing her panties and likes the Potty Jar!

Monday, March 1, 2010

I am not going to post a picture today, I have some to download from my camera but I am a little tired, I am almost done with our Playroom.

Today has been a good day, Gina took me to IHOP and Charli went to the potty before we went and after she got up from nap, Gina said tonight she was laying watching TV and saying something, she said "Make Meme feel better, A-Men" Now isn't that precious! We have prayed together a few times like that and she hears prayers at church and Gina talks to her about Jesus.

Today went well at SSI. Ms. Kirkland had twins that used to go to the daycare so we had a bond. Now to wait 3 to 6 months....

Melissa gave me a bird feeder and Les and Jeff painted my birdbath. It looks great! I worked 45 minutes getting my stuff out and will work a few minutes tom.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Count your Blessings

After church Kathie, Gina and Charli, Les and I ate Chinese and then Kathie and I spent time together at Family Dollar. I am thankful we had this time together, Suzan has not come to the house and Nicole and the kids were not there for the weekend so it was wonderful. Charli was a little lady at the restaurant, too.

It Sunday School we talked about attitude and I told them, I have a disease but this disease does Not have me! I go to see about my SSDI in the morning and with God's help I will get it quickly, and I have a huge opportunity to use my Daycare training and help Charli advance over other two-year olds. I think that is quite a big blessing!