Well on with my resolution... here is my first scripture to learn found in Luke 24:45. Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures
I had another picked out but was lead to this one. I was talking to my Grandmother and we don't understand why our family members don't go to church! I so Love church and get so much from learning and teaching, I teach 12 and 13 year olds and have really learned so much this past year about Bible History.
I can't see putting earthly things before church and showing up just when you feel good! Teaching helps because I have to be there Plus since Gina sits with me I get to hold my baby and she is a good girl in church! Today I am praying that my family members will open their minds to the scriptures, I can't imagine being a parent now and Not raising them to look to Christ for guiance and not the sins of this world.... I am stepping down from my soapbox now to go to work.
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