Monday, July 20, 2009

My baby is 18 months old today! How I love seeing her grow and change! There are so many words she can say and a few things she is ahead of some the the babies at work, even. She has been jumping a couple of weeks, now, running for awhile, and even holds her crayons right when coloring. How blessed I am and I pray for the kids often.
Yesterday while holding her in church she was humming to the music and she is singing Jesus Loves Me a little and when the preacher said Jesus she repeated him. I took her back for a couple of minuted to see Les do the puppet show and that tickles her. I will get her 18 month pictures tomorrow when I keep her.
The credit goes to the kids for these pictures, mostly Trey, I think, they are off Gina's camera.


Zaroga said...

She is really growing fast.

Kar said...

She is too sweet Tammy! I wouldn't want to let her go! What a punkin'! :)
