Sunday, January 18, 2009

My Doodle Bug's first Birthday party is today! I got up early and made this card with Pink Beauty by Petit Moineaux, I Love her work! It took me awhile to get this one like I wanted it! my MIL called me yesterday to ask Gina's address to send Charli a card, Gina must have forgot to tell her about Charli's party Or she forgot. I got the answer I always get, "If Papa and I FEEL like it we Might come" My Mom is recovering from surgery and she will be there! I was thinking about how Jeremy forgot to ask my Dad to his wedding (they threw it together quickly) and thought how many things he didn't show up to, his Eagle Scout, birthdays, church events and thought 'no wonder he Forgot' In the end he realized how he had made Jeremy a stranger in his life and it was too late. I am glad he and Gina had a relationship!
But I will be happy to watch her eat her cake and walk across the floor to hug me! I Praise God I can share this day! I have tears as I think about missing Seth's Saturday. I have to stop that, I had to wear make-up so I can have My picture done for the church book today! I waited while my face healed from having a spot removed by Dr. Henderson 12/31.
Well off to church I am going to set up the room and let the kids solve a 'crime'. A scavenger hunt, I will let you know how it works out!

1 comment:

Zaroga said...

Happy Birthday to Charli!

A good job on the card.