Sunday, August 16, 2009

Today was a nice day! After church Gina and Charli came over and brought KFC grilled chicken over and she and Les went to see "Orphan" while Charli and I played and took a short nap. We then went to see Les's parents a few minutes before church.
At church Bud shared this scripture...

John 6:46 Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord,' and not do the things I say?

I have thought a lot on that verse, I think of all my family and friends who claim they are Christians but don't bother to spend any time in God's Word or with the Family of God. I am praying especially for one who calls me a 'Holy Roller' because I stand up against the way they live and I go to church often. I am standing on Col 1:9 and I am praying for wisdom and spiritual understanding. I guess people think because they get baptized they are safe but how are they doing what Christ Commanded? I know maybe I am sounding like I am back on my soapbox but this bothers me, I see parents putting things ahead of Church and why would their kids want to both? I thank God my kids have church homes AND GO, Jeremy has chapel and enjoys talking to others who are different faiths. I do wish my SIL came more though.
ANY WAY pray for those around you who are not faithful!

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