Saturday, March 14, 2009

I am just getting up this morning! It is unusual that I can sleep in anymore but I was sleeping so good! I have a lot to do today, I want to sew a little and get the house neatened up because I am going to keep Charli while Gina takes Trey out for his Birthday. My SIL and nephew both have St Pat's birthdays, Trey and his family don't do much celebrating and he just wants a quiet night with Gina, no party or big deal.
I finished up the book I was working on for Kamryn and sent it to be printed, that's one thing off my To Do list for the week end, I also sent through the labels to label the toys in my class.
One sad part of my job is children moving up and Monday two of my Princesses will start transition, Katie and Annabelle. I am so going to miss them! They are so smart and such a joy, I am really attached to them! I will be getting Kinley who is the great-grand-daughter of one of our teachers, that means I have two children whose grandparents work for the Center. Annabelle still cries some mornings and I hold and comfort her, I will miss that, too. Most of mine don't have trouble coming in and some mornings she just comes in happy and ready to play.Now about this picture. I am a member of Digishop Talk which is the busiest scrap site there is. I am blow away at how many people are there and the talent of the people, too! I have to post there because I am part of Rina's team but so many times the pages posted are not even viewed I learned that you have to be very active and comment to have your pages seen and play the Praise game. Any how I was looking at a layout by Lindsay Jane who is a great designer and I LOVED it and told her so and she RAKed me the kit she used! She designs for Scrapbook Bytes but I put a link to her Blog if you click on the image. She has terrific freebies!
I guess I am ready to start my day, it's cold outside, about 39 degrees, so I will take a hot bath and get my laundry started. I hope you all have a wonderful day and here is my verse for this week, I really Love it!



This part of the post is so I can get something off my chest, it's now 11:00 and I have gotten more than half of my cleaning done thanks to Les getting up and helping me but I have had too much time to think about something that is really bothering me!
I was raised not to LIE or call someone a LIAR, I did find out in my adult years that my Dad could tell a few, especially during my parents divorce but that is past, I still hate a lie.
In my in-laws families that is not the same and now one of my in laws is going around saying that Les and I borrow money from her every time we see her and owe her over a thousand $$! Now first off she doesn't work and has to borrow money all the time from my MIL to take the grand to the Dr or go to the dentist, so why would I even Think she had money to borrow? After all Les and I took her family in for months when the kids were small and when she went through her divorce we treated her daughter like she was our own while she lived with us! I guess all the pain medications have messed up her mind and she may be mad at me for telling my MIL that she keeps going to Gina getting her hair done telling Gina she will pay her Friday and that Friday never has come. Maybe she is jealous because I have two wonderful Married kids will good jobs and families and they both finished school and her side is much different!
I admit I owe my sister and BIL so much more than just money and I couldn't have made it through without her and Gina and my Mom because we are doctor poor, (Les goes to get his foot x-rayed and to his GP on the 19th) but I Never have borrowed any thing from her! One reason is she would tell everyone our business... NOW SHE JUST MADE IT UP!
There, I feel much better!

1 comment:

Zaroga said...

I love the colors in that page?... sorry I'm not into scrapbook terms :-)

It is good to get things off our chest at times. Now take a deep breath :-)