Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I am actually enjoying posting in the mornings! I need to get up a few minutes earlier but I move a little slow, LOL! It seems to take so long fixing my meds, I tried putting them in a pill holder but several of them split from the humidity of Les's frequent showers! I need to take them in the bathroom as this is such a habit I know if I move them I won't always remember, after all it will soon be 20 years I have been taking Prednisone!
Well about the picture, it is my nephew Cody playing around in the castle we visited at the beach, I was going to use it for a challenge at SOTB but haven't posted yet. They were slow getting all the challenges up this month and I have been to busy to recheck. I love Dr. Seuss and I wanted to do this as WA. I like the way it turned out. I made the gray BG.
They moved Mama's surgery up to tomorrow, I am sad in a way because I keep Charli on Wednesdays, I am going to keep her though and go to the hospital as soon as Trey gets home unless something happens that I am needed. Then Gina will take her to Trey's Mama, I am very anxious to spend time with her right now because she will take a couple of steps and I am afraid of missing her take off walking. She had a runny nose and was whiney from her top teeth last night so I went over and kept her while the kids got groceries. She was so sweet and clingy! Of all the people in the world sometimes it seems she loves me best, I know I love her best!
Well I have to go! I hope I don't have too many mistakes this morning because I don't have time to check!

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