We didn't eat at Fuddruckers because they were packed when we went to Greenville. We ate at a new Chinese Buffet/grill/ Sushi Bar called Ni Hao and it was SO GOOD! Wow! We had the buffet which included steak which they cooked for you and crablegs for $10.95 Les even got to eat FROGLEGS and was happy about that! I think my favorite was the hibachi grilled shrimp but they had so much it is hard to say. The only thing was the crablegs were small and not worth wrestling with the crackers to eat. One thing that amazed me were the grapes on the dessert bar were as big as plums! They were sweet, too!
Les had to send his phone to be repaired, it had several problems, I hope they can fix it or upgrade for him.
I have several things to get done today and am getting an early start, a couple from church are celebrating 50 years so I am doing a project for them and Charli is coming over to play with me so I need to neaten up.
I also bought the material to start a quilt project. I want to practice on a couple and then I will make the babies one for Christmas. I told Les I would like to make Seth one with a map of the USA and put a little VW attached to a ribbon so he can put it on Meme's house then his. I have written out my plans. The ONLY thing is I HATE to sew, LOL! I have made quilts before and think this will be fun though!
OH, we talked to Papa about going into a nursing home while he gets his strength back, he had been fighting Kathie about it but by the time we got there and he was alone he told us he guessed he was going to have to. He thought he could go to the rehab hospital but he isn't able to do enough for himself to. he had a horror of the nursing home and didn't think about them having the rehab section. He was doing well and sat up and really talked to us. I am glad noone else was there at the time. Les and Kathie say I can do more with him, I just listen to him and talk gently and caring to him. Les said he is thinking about his on health, his Dad is in worse health than his GD was at a much younger age. I have always told him I will 'put him away' in a nursing home if he becomes cripple, LOL. Gina says she will help me!
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