Saturday, August 18, 2007


Well, I am pretty proud of myself for getting my Blog looking pretty good!
Took this at work Thursday, we have to go out in the early morning because by 9:45 it is too hot and we have to take the kids in! The heat index has been 105 and 107! The temps are over 100 everyday!
Still have to work on an Elvis page for Carla's challenge!
Better go find something before I am too late!


Kluczny Kreations said...

Tammy, great job!!!

Cindy S said...

Tammy, this is GREAT!!!! I too would love to meet President Bush (what a tough job he has)

Cindy S said...

Tammy, this is GREAT!!! I too would love to meet President Bush, (what a tough job he has)

~TinaW~ said...

Great job on the blog looks wonderful :)

Unknown said...

that is a beautiful picture!